The tuck formed by the no-retraction method is also called the fat flower structure, which can only be woven on the fat flower flat knitting machine. The second fat flower flat knitting machine forms parallel tucks, and the third fat flower flat knitting machine can form staggered tucks.
Staggered tucks: There are two movable needle jack triangles on the three-stage fat pattern flat knitting machine, and high needles, low needles and high long tongue needles are arranged on the needle plate. When the upper and lower needle jacks jointly exit the height of the low needle , Weaving parallel tuck weave. When the upper needle cam exits the working position alone, the knitting needle rises to the lower needle cam position. Because the long latch needle has a longer latch, the loop will hang on the latch after opening the latch and will not retract. , After the yarn is laid, the old and new stitches are gathered together to form a tuck. Therefore, the tuck is formed on the low-pin needle and the long-latch needle, and the woven tuck organization is staggered on the garment piece, so it is called a staggered tuck, also known as Intersection mesh fat flower and tertiary fat flower.